Is scrolling believing?
Young people use social media platforms far more than older people. But how much do they trust them?
UNICEF + Gallup asked young + older people in 55 countries how they experience the world today.
Read more about the surveyAnswer the question above to learn more about the changing nature of childhood.
Return to the questionSocial media platforms are by far the most common way young people get their information. That doesn't mean they trust what they're scrolling.
% of young people who trust a lot in
On average, just 23% of young people say they put "a lot" of trust in information from social media platforms.
That's a lower share than those who trust a lot in news media, scientists and doctors and health care workers — in every source we asked about!
It turns out that most young netizens around the world are discerning consumers of social media.
% who say they have "a lot" of trust in traditional media sources (radio, TV and print/online newspapers)
While young and old trust traditional media sources more...
...confidence in those sources is also relatively low.
Having critical eye on content can help young people separate reality from fiction in our era of misinformation and disinformation.
But distrust comes with a cost. It’s a burden for young people to doubt the veracity of the content they rely on most.
A lack of trust also undermines social cohesion—and collective action to solve problems.